Sewer Camera Inspection

Penobscot Drain Solutions

Sewer Camera Inspection

  • a man is looking at a drain with a camera

Sewer Camera Inspection in Bangor and Penobscot County, ME

See What’s Beneath, Know More

Deep beneath your Penobscot County property lies a maze of pipelines, often holding secrets of unforeseen challenges. The last thing anyone wants is a nasty surprise from their sewer lines. At Penobscot Drain Solutions, we employ advanced sewer camera inspection techniques to demystify these hidden realms. We turn uncertainties into clarity, providing you with real-time visuals and actionable insights. Move forward with confidence, equipped with a precise understanding of your draining system’s depths.

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Need Draining Excellence?

Experience unmatched service with a touch of education. Let's solve your draining puzzles together.

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Discover, Analyze, and Resolve With Precision

In Bangor, ME, your property’s intricate draining system demands nothing less than precision. With Penobscot Drain Solutions, dive into the depths of your sewer lines without the mess. Our state-of-the-art sewer camera inspection services are designed to pinpoint issues and prevent potential disasters. But we don’t stop at detection; we believe in educating our clients. By unraveling the mystery behind the issues, we ensure you’re armed with knowledge, every step of the way.

Using a sewer camera, we’re equipped to:

  • Find the source of your draining issues
  • Identify the exact location within the sewer line where the clog resides
  • Document and record our findings for insurance and your peace of mind
  • a person is holding a small device over a sink

  • a drain with a camera attached to it and a remote control

Ready to Illuminate Your Sewer Challenges?

When shadows of doubt linger regarding your sewer health, we bring light. Opting for a sewer camera inspection isn’t just about addressing current issues—it’s about proactive prevention. With our expertise, you can detect potential challenges long before they escalate. Why wait for a problem when you can preempt it? Dive deep, discover the truth, and team up with us for a clearer tomorrow.

  • What is a sewer camera inspection?

    A sewer camera inspection involves inserting a small, snake-like camera into the drainage system, sewer lines, and other areas to inspect the inside of the pipes. This tool helps locate problems such as leaks, root intrusion, pipe corrosion, clogs, and damage to the piping system.

  • How does the sewer camera inspection work?

    The inspection involves inserting a flexible rod with a camera into the pipe through available access points. The camera sends back pictures or video footage of the pipe's interior, allowing technicians to see what is happening inside the pipes. The camera can go as far as 300 feet into the pipe.

  • What type of problems can the sewer camera find?

    The sewer camera can find various issues, including:

    • Leaking pipes
    • Root intrusion
    • Pipe corrosion
    • Clogs and blockages
    • Frozen pipe breakage
    • Damage to the piping system
  • Is a sewer line inspection necessary for a home with a public sewer?

    It's important to get a sewer line inspection, especially for older homes, even if they are connected to a public sewer. The section of pipe that connects your home to the public sewer, called the lateral line, is the homeowner's responsibility. An inspection can find issues like tree roots, cracks, or blockages, potentially saving you from expensive repairs.

  • How much does a sewer camera inspection cost?

    The cost of a sewer camera inspection can vary greatly, typically ranging from $100 to $2,650 (on the high end), with an average cost of around $400. Factors influencing the price include local rates, whether the inspection is part of a service bundle, sewer accessibility, and the length of the pipe to be inspected. 

    At Penobscot Drain Solutions, we offer free estimates and military discounts. For an accurate estimate, call us at (207) 217-7473.

  • Who should I call for sewer camera inspection services in Penobscot County?

    For expert sewer camera inspection services in Penobscot County, contact Penobscot Drain Solutions. Our advanced technology and experienced team ensure thorough and precise diagnosis of your sewer line issues. Choose us for reliable sewer camera inspection services in Penobscot County.

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